I'll be having at least three more giveaways between now and Christmas, so I hope all of you will stop by to see what goodies I'll be offering. (Hint: more fabulous yarn and books!)
And now, back to our regularly scheduled program.
So, looking for some great little projects that you can whip up quickly? Here are a few I'm working on and loving every stitch (which, to be totally honest, I cannot always say about my knitting!)
The Melissa Scarf-I found this by visiting one blog and then followed a link on to another and so on and so on......you know how that goes. In the end, I have no idea how I got there! I'm not sure why, but this scarf is just plain fun to knit. (read...borders on addictive!) Something about those bobbles at the end of every row (this from someone not that fond of bobbles). Try it. I'll bet you your favorite set of knitting needles that you'll like it.
These mitts-A great gift and a reasonable amount of knitting time involved. If you make them with some of that chunky stuff you've got lying around, you'll be done in no time. I'm all about chunky stuff right now! And, here's another pair of mitts that are even more stylish and fun to knit.
This cowl is fabulous! This is a last minute gift from heaven. And there's a matching beret! Perfect. Thanks for calling my attention to this one, Mary!
Need a gift for someone who doesn't want to muss up their hair putting on something to warm their neck? Then this neckwarmer is just the one. Once again, practically instant gratification!
I love to give handmade gifts (even more than I love staying out of the mall!) and though these are all quick and easy, they are all gifts that I would love to receive.....which is my criteria for whether a gift is nice enough to give to a friend or family member.
Got any great, fast and easy Little Things to Knit that you'd like to share?