Thursday, September 30, 2010
Closely supervised

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Friday, September 24, 2010
Making my own

Looking ahead to the festival, it looks as though the weather is finally going to be perfect for shopping for all things fibery! I hope you will come to Falmouth, stop by the Sheep Dreams/Tanglewood Farm booth and visit for a while. There are going to be some wonderful fiber folks there in the Wool Tent and I'm pretty sure one of us can satisfy any yarn, fiber or equipment need you might have. (We are all about making you happy!) There will be plenty of sheepy stuff, too.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Misery loves company



Frenchie, on the other hand, prefers to spend her afternoons under the forsythia bushes in front of the barn or inside the blackberry vines on the garden fence. That is, unless she sees me out and about. Then she's all about keeping me company in whatever I'm doing, which as long as it is this hot, is mainly just moving from one air conditioned space to the next!! I'm just not sure what I should do about Frenchie. I've been putting her inside the big dog kennel at night for safety and letting her out each morning. As soon as I let the rest of the chickens out, she high-tails it out of the barn and hides in one of her safe places. It might be funny, if it weren't so sad. She lives her life in fear of the rest of the flock. I bought 5 Buff Orphington chicks last week and have vague plans to try bonding her with them, but it sure would be easier for me if I had one flock of chickens instead of two separate ones. Ah, the simple life on the farm!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Still going

Friday, September 10, 2010
Sheep I have known...(and other thoughts)

So, that was not where I was headed when I began this post, but, as so often happens with me, I start out in one direction and end up somewhere completely different.
The weekend is before us and I hope it's a great one for all of you!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Boys will be...............

Ollie and Henry spent the better part of a week penned up closely in the barn. Every few days, I would let them out into the barnyard and watch their behavior. If the head-butting started....back into the pen they went. Finally, they smelled enough alike to be satisfied with shouldering each other around occasionally. I will say, for an old guy, Henry can hold his own with a much younger ram.
These last pictures were taken this morning (I'm sitting on top of the gate) and the boys are just one big happy group right now. Well, except for Ollie, who, when he is not with his buddies, is pacing the fence looking longingly at the ewe flock (see #2 above). I am not planning on any lambs being born before March, so he will just have to get over it for the time being .

Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Feeling the breeze

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