Yes, ready or not, it's almost here. Am I ready? Uh, not really. That's not my fireplace (though it has finally gotten cold enough for us to have a fire each evening), but what I'd love more than anything would be to sit down in front of it, with a cup of my favorite hot tea, my stack of mostly British magazines and have my knitting close by. I don't know why I'm always surprised at how rushed everything becomes the last few days before the 25th. The Christmas knitting is finished, the baking and making is done. I still have a few things to wrap and then we'll have a full week of comings and goings. I'm ready to slow my brain down and stop waking up at 3:00 am, wondering if I've forgotten someone.
Oddly, Christmas day will be the only quiet day here at the home place. If the weather is nice, we're likely to take a hike down the creek to the waterfall where it drops into the river. Maybe I'll make a big pot of clam chowder and some homemade bread. Maybe we'll watch "The Christmas Story" and "A Child's Christmas in Wales". (Mike thinks it's probably against the law to watch a movie during the daytime, so there is some risk taking in that!)
I'm especially thankful this Christmas for my friends and family. I'm grateful that all are healthy and close enough that we can see them more than once or twice a year. I'm grateful for all of you who take the time to check in here and read about the farm and our life here. Thank you and I wish all of you a blessed and happy Christmas.
Merry Christmas Dianne. I love the yule log. Loved when it was on t.v. - you know, back in the day when we really had only 3 channels and you had to get up and walk across the room to change the channel?
ReplyDeleteI have a fire in my fireplace right now as I finish up the last of my Christmas knitting. I stopped for a cup of soup and thought I would check your blog. Wishing you and yours a wonderful Christmas and many blessings in the new year. This is my last quiet evening for the next 3 days. Let the festivities begin !!!
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas to you too!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHappy holidays to you. Thank you for all the enjoyment I get from reading your blog.
ReplyDeleteThank you for such a great year of postings. My magazine choices seem to have changed too!
ReplyDeleteHappy holidays to you and yours and peace to all of us.
Merry Christmas to you and yours! Wishing you good tidings and blessings in this New Year.
Merry Christmas to you and yours! Wishing you good tidings and blessings in this New Year.
Merry Christmas!
ReplyDeleteI've not seen A Child's Christmas in Wales. Will look it up :-).
Merry belated Christmas. The fireplace looks lovely. We have a gas one that I love. Nothing makes you feel more cozy than real flames you can watch. Andy is with Mike on daytime movies. I suggested a matinee one time and I might as well as said "let's sell tickets and fool around on the lawn". Movies are for after dark when the outside work HAS to stop.
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year!
Hi, I have been reading your blog and I've come to love it! But I was wondering, what kind of sheep do you own?
ReplyDeleteWe watched the Christmas Story on the drive home on Christmas Eve. I forgot how funny that movie is!
ReplyDeleteGrace-I breed for fleece quality and temperament. I do still have some purebred ewes. My flock consists of Romney, Bluefaced Leicester and some CVM thrown in for good measure. Last year I used a Wensleydale ram, so all of my spring lambs were half Wensleydale. I've bred to achieve a gorgeous, high-luster, long staple, but soft fleece. Thanks for asking!
ReplyDeleteThanks for answering! I just really love their wool, it looks so soft and wavy, I wish I could just stick my hands in it! We only have 5 sheep, one East Freisian ram, one Babydoll wether for company, and 3 Shropshire ewes. There's a few goats thrown in the mix, too. We just went into the farm business a couple years ago, and are hoping to be able to get some goat milk and baby sheep next year!
ReplyDeleteGrace-sorry about your post being delayed. I'm having lots of weird issues with my comment section. Very frustrating.
ReplyDeleteThat's perfectly fine. :) Sometimes the internet does odd things that are just hard to control. I think the reason why it did not show up is that they have to be confirmed by you to be seen by others. It's more than likely just my ignorance we are dealing with. :D