This time of year, the morning barn chores start to take a little longer. It's not as involved as when lambing is underway, but still takes some time. I try my best to avoid making any kind of appointment during morning hours because it's just too stressful (for me) to get everyone taken care of, get myself ready and then drive the minimum 45 minutes or so to get where I'm going on time.

Feeding time is serious business around here. You can be assured that I have everyone's attention when they see me heading for the barn. And you can also be sure that they all want their breakfast
right now! Then, when everyone has their food, it is blessedly quiet, except for the sounds of munching.

If I had to choose my most important "tools" for the work I do around the barn, my little cart might be number one. It's a garden cart that neatly holds one bale of hay and because of the big wheels, it is easy to push around even with several hundred pounds loaded in it. I can load the hay bale, then push it from field to field to feed everyone (so much easier than carrying it). My "wardrobe" might be next. I love my Cabela boots (with the side zipper). They're comfortable, sturdy and waterproof. I've had several pairs and they last for years and years. They are by no means a fashion statement, but fashion has no place in my daily chores.
Sara and I were commiserating on the unpleasant weather we've had so far this winter and both realized that we've worn our insulated bib overalls a lot this year, after not wearing them more than once or twice last winter. I know none of this seems "normal" to most people, but I've long since given up trying to pretend I live a normal life.

(no fashion statement here!) All these different critters look to me for their food and care. Sometimes it feels overwhelming, but usually it feels as though they pay me back double in entertainment-not to mention their wonderful fiber. It's hard work, but rewarding, and a way of life I can recommend.
I feel the same about feeding time at our place--steers, horses, mini horses, chickens & ducks! Thanks for sharing--makes me feel normal!
ReplyDeleteI had to exchange my women's Cabela boots for the "mens" version. I'm sure that's some sort of fashion statement in and of itself, but I'm trying not to think about it and just enjoying boots that keep my feet warm and dry.
ReplyDeleteGraham Lamb keeps trying to ride on my hay sled. I'm definitely not giving him any opportunity to access wheels ;-).
I hope there are warm handknit wool socks inside those boots!
If that baby llama goes missing do not come to Midway to look for him (ahem). So glad to see you're keeping busy and oh my, a studio! Hope I run into you some time soon...feel like a cheap lunch date soon?