Whew! I'm sorry for all the confusion. I fully intended to get this up in the morning, but like a lot of plans I've made lately, it just didn't happen. So, I'm going to go ahead and include all those folks who got here a little late to the party. After all, it tis' the season!
According to random.org, the winner of the Christmas Give-away is comment number 6. Michelle said..."Oh, I would be wonderfully happy to win ANY book by Alice Starmore; thanks for the chance!" So, Michelle, send me an email at diannemac1010@gmail.com, with your address and I will get this package right off to you. Thanks to everyone who stopped in and commented. It is so much fun for me to read
all the comments and follow links back to your sites. I never cease to be amazed at how the internet can connect from so many far flung places.

Our farm lane has finally thawed out and is safe to drive on. We are going to have a few days of "normal" (whatever that is) temperatures in the 30's and then the bottom falls out again and we head for single digits. I'm going to be excused from farm chores for a while. My poor husband will be doing all my chores while I recuperate from carpal tunnel surgery. A big part of my panic at being ice-bound for 4 1/2 days was because I could see that I was not going to be fully prepared for Christmas in time. I found out the day before the ice storm that my surgery is scheduled for
tomorrow. I would not have chosen a pre-Christmas date, but having to work around the surgeon's schedule, Mike's schedule and my own made it a necessity. I'm just hoping, hoping, hoping I'll be able to figure out how to knit. I am a very right-handed person, so the idea of wearing a cast on that hand for three weeks is daunting, to say the least. It's possible I'll be forced to practice my continental style knitting (at which I am lousy)!

(that's little Miss Olive looking at me...hoping for special treat...because she knows she's special!)
We are still seeing the coyote on a regular basis. In fact, yesterday morning he (or she) came within about 30 feet of the house. I'm worried that this one is getting just a little too comfortable around here. Holly was doing her duty, staying close to the sheep, protecting them and barking. She spent the entire day out in the field with the ewe lambs and, as I write this, is doing her nightly patrol, now that all the sheep are in the barn for the night.
Thanks to all who commented and I hope you'll check in here again. There is always something going on here on the farm..........and lambing time will be here before we know it!
Oh boy do I love your winter pictures. The yarn looks great thanks fir the chance to win.
ReplyDeleteCassandra ctexas@charter.com
OOOah, Congratulations to the winner :0)
ReplyDeleteGood Luck tomorrow, Dianne !!!
I will be thinking of you and hope that your recovery is swift !!!!
Merry Christmas :0)
Hope all goes well tomorrow and who knows this may be just the thing to convert you to the "other" side (continental) of knitting! Lol. Merry Christmas!
ReplyDeleteGood luck with your surgery! I hope your recovery is smooth and you are up and knitting soon@
ReplyDeleteLaura T
Sending love and best wishes for your healing.It is not fun to go through all of this stuff.
ReplyDeleteWill be thinking of you and hope that you will return to a comfy and cozy bed with a loved one by your side.
When I saw the dr regarding carpal tunnel and he learned I am a knitter, he informed me that knitting is a big culprit in causing carpal tunnel. :-( Hasn't stopped me! Hope your surgery goes well and that you are back in the knitting mode soon. Merry healing Christmas to you.
ReplyDeleteI taught myself how to continental knit. I just love it...I can go so much faster and my knitting looks so nice.
ReplyDeleteHope your surgery goes well and you are back to knitting quickly. This is the time of year for projects. I'm making my friend a pair of slippers..
TaTa For Now..from Iowa
Oh Dianne -- I'm so excited!!! Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you! (And Merry Christmas, and a quick recovery to you, too.)
ReplyDeleteCongrats to Michelle--I love Starmore books. I am almost completely recovered from CT surgery 3 months ago. I only had a big bandage on for three days, and had only a 1/2" incision. I was able to start knitting slowly the next week. Recuperation was longer than I expected. You probably won't be carrying any water buckets for a good couple of months. Good luck. It was well worth it. I can knit now non-stop!
ReplyDeleteCongrats to the winner and best of luck on your operation. I hope your recovery is swift and that you have a very Merry Christmas!
ReplyDeleteThat's really scary and weird that the coyote has come that close to your house! Keep that Holly happy and well-fed!
ReplyDeleteI hope you recuperate well from your surgery :-)
ReplyDeleteThat would really unnerve me having a coyote hanging around my sheep.
Happy Holidays!
You've popped in and out of my mind these last few days. I do hope the surgery went well and that you amaze the dr at how quickly and well you heal and recover! Wishes to you that you start the New Year with no CT twinges and are back to knitting more than ever. :-)